Section _ 1: The name of the association is THE KNANAYA CATHOLIC CONGRESS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA herein after referred as the "association" or KCCSC

Section _ 2: KCCSC is a nonprofit organization of Knanaya Catholics in Los Angeles and neighboring places. It is affiliated to Knanaya Catholic Congress of North America (KCCNA) and should respect its directives.

Section _ 3: The territory of the association is Southern California herein after referred as "territory".

Section_ 4: The office of KCCSC shall be at the address of the incumbent president or at the premises decided by the executive committee of KCCSC.


The main objectives of the association are :

A)  To organize gathering of Knanaya Catholics in the territory so as to encourage and promote their spiritual, social & cultural life and Knanaya traditions.

B)  To promote facilities for young Knanaya Catholics in the territory to learn more about the Knanaya Catholic community.

C)  To raise funds for religious and charitable causes,

D)  To maintain good communication among the members of the association, and with other organizations, especially Knanaya Catholics.

E)  To establish a Knanaya Catholic ministry served by Knanaya Catholic priest(s) recommended by the Knanaya Catholic Bishop of Kottayam.


A)  To be a member of KCCSC as well as to remain a member of KCCSC requires individuals to be born of (or born to) both Knanaya parents, and if married, both spouses must also be born of (or born to) both Knanaya parents. For further clarification, and, for the purpose of this constitution, “born of” and “born to” refers to having birth or biological parents.

B)  All Knanaya Catholics in the territory who are born of both Knanaya parents, and practice endogamy and Catholic faith are members of KCCSC,

C)  Families or individuals who follow the basic Knanaya Catholic Principle and who pay their annual subscription fee to KCCSC are the "registered members" of the association, Only registered members of the immediately preceding two year are eligible to hold any position in the association. A family or individual who moved less than two years to southern California from other part of North America, become registered member of KCCSC and if he or she was a previous executive member of KCCNA or its member associations is eligible to hold any position in KCCSC.

D)  Any member who marries outside the Knanaya community or leaves the Catholic Church automatically revoke his/her membership in KCCSC immediately.

E)  Membership to the association is granted on a calendar year basis, from January 1st to December 31st.

Regardless of the date of issue, all memberships ends on December 31st.

F)  Membership fees for each family will be $50.00 per year and Single( individual) will be $25.00 per year.


Section _ 1: The General Body of the association consists of the registered members of the association. Section 2: The General Body has the legislative power and is the final authority in all matters regarding KCCSC. If in the event of a dispute and the KCCSC General Body is unable to resolve the dispute, it may be referred to KCCNA. If KCCNA cannot resolve the matter, the dispute shall be referred to the Knanaya Catholic Bishop of Kottayam. If KCCNA and Knanaya Catholic Bishop of Kottayam cannot settle the matter, the dispute shall be referred to an Arbitration Process. Unless the parties mutually agree otherwise, arbitration shall be in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") currently in effect.

Arbitration decision shall be accepted by KCCSC members on all KCCSC related matters. Section 3:

A)   Meetings(s) of the General Body can be held at any time during the year at a place decided by the executive committee. However, the Annual General Body Meeting should be held in the month of October or November each calendar year for the approval of annual report, audited accounts, and for election.

B)   Extra-ordinary meetings shall be called by the executive committee at the written requests of at least one - third of the registered members.

C)   The secretary shall inform about the General Body meeting at least twenty days prior to the meeting.

Emergency meetings can be held with one week notice.

D)   The General Body shall transact the following business:

1.  Confirm the minutes of previous General Body meeting.

2.  Transact agenda prepared by the executive committee.

3.  Constitute committees for special purpose if necessary.

4.  Consider and adopt the annual report and audited financial statement presented by the executive committee. 

5.  Elect members of the executive committee if due for election.

6.  Consider amendments in the constitution and by-laws.

7.  Any other matter proposed by any registered member and approved by the presiding authority.

E)   Registered members who are 18 or above (adult members) have the right to vote in the general body.

F)   The quorum for the General body shall be 50% of adult members. No quorum shall be necessary if a general body meeting re-convenes after it is adjourned for lack of a quorum.


Section 1 - Composition: The officers of KCCSC are the President, Vice president, Secretary, Joint-secretary, and Treasurer elected by the General Body, and a spiritual director selected by the executive body

Section 2 - Duties:

A)  The President is the executive officer of KCCSC. He/she shall direct secretary to call the meetings of the association and shall preside over such functions. The president shall refrain from casting the vote unless in instances to break a tie

B)  The Vice President: The vice president shall perform the duties of the president in his/her absence.

C)  The Secretary is the recording and corresponding officer of KCCSC. He/ She shall convene meetings at the request of the president and shall present minutes of all activities at appropriate meetings of the association. He / She maintains up-to-date registry of membership and keeps the properties of KCCSC.

D)  The Joint Secretary shall assist the secretary in the performance of his/her duties and shall perform the duties of the secretary in his/her absence.

E)  The Treasurer maintains day to day accounts of KCCSC. He/she is responsible for collecting the membership fee and other collections decided by the executive committee or General Body. He/She shall disburse funds on behalf of KCCSC when authorized by the president and/or the secretary. All cash and cash equivalents should be deposited in a bank selected by the treasurer and approved by the executive committee. The bank account should be jointly operated by the treasurer, and the president or the secretary. The treasurer shall present appropriate financial records to auditors, executive committee, and General Body.

Any single transaction over the amount of $1000.00 shall be pre-approved by the executive committee

F)  The Spiritual Director must be a Knanaya Catholic priest living in or outside the territory, selected by the executive committee, and approved by the Knanaya Catholic Bishop of Kottayam. He shall be the official representative of the Knanaya Catholic Bishop of Kottayam. The spiritual director shall be ex officio member in both General Body and executive committee with full rights.

Section _ 3 - Term of office:

A)  The officers, and other executive committee members and a maximum of two auditors shall be elected by the General Body for two year term at the Annual General Body meeting.

B)  No individual shall be elected to the same office position for more than two consecutive terms.

C)  A proper handling and taking over of the records, accounts, and properties of KCCSC shall be done between the outgoing and the incoming committees within two weeks after the expiration of their term.

D)  The outgoing president and secretary shall continue as members of the executive committee without voting rights.

Section _ 4 - Removals:

Any of the officers can be removed from his/her position by the General Body with a simple majority for the following reasons.

1.  Unable to function in the position.

2.  Acts against the constitution and bylaws of KCCSC

3.  If convicted of crime.

4.  Any other reason determined by the General Body as appropriate and necessary.


Section 1- Executive Committee:

A)  The executive committee shall consist of officers, additional representatives to KCCNA according to its constitution, and other members elected by the General Body. It shall include KCYL Coordinator (one), Kids Club Coordinator (one), Women’s forum president and Golden age coordinator (ex-officio, one). The immediate past president and secretary shall serve in the committee as ex-officio members without right to vote, If they are elected to any other position or are unwilling to continue as an executive committee member , then the general body shall fill the position. The term of the executive committee shall be 2 years

B)  The executive committee is the governing body of KCCSC. It shall make decisions and act on behalf of the association. However, any important project other than the regular functions of the association shall be implemented with the approval of the General Body.

C)  The executive committee shall meet at least once every quarter. It can be conducted by any of the various means including teleconference, personal meeting or a combination of all. A minimum of seven-day notice must be given for the meeting. The quorum for the executive committee shall be 50% of its members.

D)  In the event that the office of the president becomes vacant, the vice president shall become the president.

Vacancies in other positions shall be filled by the executive committee.

E)  The executive committee shall have the authority to take disciplinary action on any member whose actions are detrimental to the interests of the association. Such actions shall be presented in the next General Body meeting for its approval.

F)  The officers can invite to the executive committee any other member for expert advice and assistance. Such guests won't have the voting right in the committee.

G)  The executive committee should approve the annual reports and audited accounts before they are presented at the Annual General Body meeting.

H)  Emergency Executive Committee Meetings : Executive Committee can call emergency meeting with a 48- hour notice in case of an emergency, such notice must include the agenda to be discussed.

A minimum of 50% of the committee members must be present at the meeting to make any decisions during this EC meeting. Section _ 2 - Special Committees:

A)  The General Body and the executives committee shall appoint sub-committees for special purposes such as spiritual committee, sports committee, youth committee and entertainment committee.

B)  The Term of office of such committees shall normally stop by the end of the term of executive Committee.

However, the general body may extend the term of office of such committees, if necessary.

C)  The special committees shall work according to the direction of the executive committee & general body and shall report to the executive committee and general body.

Section 3 - National Committee Members

By virtue of their office, the president, and secretary of KCCSC shall be members of KCCNA National Committee. The General Body shall elect additional representatives to KCCNA according to its constitution.


Section _ 1:

The election shall be conducted by an election committee consisting of three members, and the members shall be the immediate former presidents. The senior most former presidents shall be the chair-person for that committee. The election committee members shall not run for office and shall forfeit their voting rights during the process.

Election committee shall conduct the election concurrent with the Annual General Body meeting in the month of October or November of the second year of the administration.

Section _ 2 

Upon selection of the Election commission, the Chairman of the election commission in conjunction with the Executive committee shall declare the election and notify the Association members the election process details. The notification must be in writing and shall be delivered to each member household by electronic media or by United States postal service at least 30 days before the election date. The Executive committee must provide the voter’s list to election commission within seven days of the commission appointment. All active members as of August 30th of the election year shall be included in the voter’s list. Memberships acquired after August 30th of the election year assumed to forfeit participation in the election process.

Section _ 3

Only registered members of the immediately preceding two year are eligible to hold any position in the association. A family or individual who moved less than two years to southern California from other part of North America, become registered member of KCCSC and if he or she was a previous executive member of KCCNA or its member associations is eligible to hold any position in KCCSC.

Nominations to participate in the election must be delivered to the Election Commission on or before 15 calendar days of the election declaration.

Section _ 4

All nominations should include the nominee, the proposer and the seconder and all must be a registered adult member listed on the voter’s list. Candidate details should including name, mailing address, e-mail address, phone number and the position for which the member is filing candidacy for. Filing for candidacy is limited to one position

Section _ 5

Upon expiration of the nomination period, all nominations will be scrutinized by Election Commission in three calendar days and the status will be communicated to each candidate by appropriate mediums.

Section _ 6

In an event only one eligible candidate applied for an open position, election committee shall declare that candidate as a winner at general body.

Section _ 7

The Election Committee shall conduct the election based on the current Constitution, which shall be provided to them by the KCCSC Executive Committee along with the voter’s list.

The Election Committee shall approve the nominations after verifying the eligibility, accuracy and requirements of the nominations. In an event the Election Committee needs clarification regarding the

By-laws and Constitution pertaining to any matters concerning the election process, the Election Committee shall request the Executive Committee for advice on such matters.

Section _ 8 

Voting shall be by a show of hands or by secret ballot according to the decision of election committee. The highest number of votes secured by any candidates for each position shall be declared as the winner by the election commission.

Section _ 9

In an event there is no one applied for an open position, election committee shall inform the general body and shall fill the position with the approval of general body.

Section _ 10

Election Committee members shall be neutral, fair and impartial in all matters concerning the election process. Executive Committee could remove any member from the Election Committee for conduct that is detrimental to the neutral, fair and impartial image of the Election Committee. 75% majority approval of the Executive Committee is required for such removal. Executive committee shall replace the removed member by any one of the Past KCCSC Presidents.


The Knanaya Catholic Bishop of Kottayam is the patron of KCCSC.


Section _ 1: 

Any amendment to the constitution and bylaws of KCCSC can be proposed by the executive committee or by any registered member with the signatures of at least one third of the registered adult members. The executive committee should study and recommend the proposed amendment to the General Body.

Section _ 2:

Only the General Body can make amendments to the constitution and bylaws of KCCSC. The proposed amendments shall be circulated at least thirty days before the General Body meeting. At least a two-third majority of registered members present should be required to ratify an amendment.

Section 3:

No amendment affecting the basic Knanaya Catholic principle shall be made.

History of Constitution: Drafted by Fr. Abraham Mutholath on July 5, 1992. Revised by KCCSC executive on July 14, 1992


1.  Amendment made to the following during the Annual General Body Meeting held on October 4th 2003 at Peacock Restaurant:

Article 1 Section 1

2.Amendment made to Article 1 through 7 during the Annual General Body Meeting held on November - 11- 2017 (constitution revision committee- Shiju Appozhiyil (President) Jacob Mutholath, Pious Poozhikala, Jose Edattukunnel, Anil Mattappallikunnel, Joji Manalel and Siby Vazhappallil)

3.  Amendment made to the following during the Annual General Body Meeting held on November 19th 2022 at Montebello Senior Center:

Article 7 Section 2

4.  Amendment made to the following during the Annual General Body Meeting held on November 4th 2023 at De Paul Evangelization Center, Montebello:

Article 6 Section 1- Executive Committee - Point H Article 3 Membership Point F